
Howdy and welcome to my blog! My name is Jason D. Phillips and I am a Government Documents and United Nations Reference Librarian at Mississippi State University's Mitchell Memorial Library. This blog serves to provide you with current and new information about the publications of our federal government.

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This is not an official publication of the Mitchell Memorial Library and is not affiliated with Mississippi State University.

The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2009. Washington, DC: Nautical Almanac Office, 2008.
SUDOC: D213.8:2009

The Astronomical Almanac contains a wide variety of both technical and general astronomical information. The material appears in sections, each section addressing a specific astronomical category and also includes references to the material, explanations, and examples. The book is joint publication between U.S. Naval Observatory and Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO) in the UK.

**Text from book’s product description at Amazon.com**

This information, and other supplemental materials, are available on the Internet at: http://asa.usno.navy.mil/index.html


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