
Howdy and welcome to my blog! My name is Jason D. Phillips and I am a Government Documents and United Nations Reference Librarian at Mississippi State University's Mitchell Memorial Library. This blog serves to provide you with current and new information about the publications of our federal government.

Please feel free to comment on the postings or to let me know if you have any questions or requests. You can e-mail me at: jdphillips@library.msstate.edu

This is not an official publication of the Mitchell Memorial Library and is not affiliated with Mississippi State University.

**Description taken from SIGAR's website**

The United States has committed almost $32 billion in humanitarian and other aid to Afghanistan since 2001. This amount constitutes the largest single contribution of any nation supporting the reconstruction effort in Afghanistan. When paired with the $25 billion provided by 60 other countries since the fall of the Taliban regime, the total international non-military investment in the rebuilding of Afghanistan exceeds $57 billion. To provide for the independent and objective conduct and supervision of audits, inspections, and investigations relating to these funds, Congress created the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). As such, the Office of the SIGAR is charged with overseeing the accounting for monies expended for the effective reconstruction of Afghanistan, so that it is internally and externally secure, democratic, and inhospitable to terrorism, drug trafficking, and narcotic cultivation.

The appointment of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, endowed with broad investigative powers and underpinned by independence and collegiality, constitutes a formidable and compelling instrument to make oversight of reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan a reality.

SIGAR releases quarterly reports, which can be found at the following website: http://www.sigar.mil/reports/quarterlyreports/Default.aspx

Oversight Mission and Plans: http://www.sigar.mil/reports/missions.aspx

Congressional Testimony: http://www.sigar.mil/reports/testimony/Default.aspx


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