
Howdy and welcome to my blog! My name is Jason D. Phillips and I am a Government Documents and United Nations Reference Librarian at Mississippi State University's Mitchell Memorial Library. This blog serves to provide you with current and new information about the publications of our federal government.

Please feel free to comment on the postings or to let me know if you have any questions or requests. You can e-mail me at: jdphillips@library.msstate.edu

This is not an official publication of the Mitchell Memorial Library and is not affiliated with Mississippi State University.

Scirus - A Science-specific Search Engine

**The descriptions below was taken from its "About Us" page.**

Scirus is a comprehensive science-specific search engine that searches over 480 million science-related webpages. This allows users to: pinpoint scientific, scholarly, technical and medical data on the Web; find the latest reports, peer-reviewed articles, patents, pre-prints and journals that other search engines miss; and offers unique functionalities designed for scientists and researchers. Scirus boasts of three key advantages to its website:

1. Filters out non-scientific sites. For example, if you search on REM, Google finds the rock group - Scirus finds information on sleep, among other things.

2. Finds peer-reviewed articles such as PDF and PostScript files, which are often invisible to other search engines.

3. Searches the most comprehensive combination of web information, preprint servers, digital archives, repositories and patent and journal databases. Scirus goes deeper than the first two levels of a Web site, thereby revealing much more relevant information.

Scirus Search Interface: http://www.scirus.com/srsapp
Scirus About Us Page: http://www.scirus.com/srsapp/aboutus

**Courtesy of Amanda Price, Electronic Resources Assistant, University of Alabama Libraries, The University of Alabama**


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