
Howdy and welcome to my blog! My name is Jason D. Phillips and I am a Government Documents and United Nations Reference Librarian at Mississippi State University's Mitchell Memorial Library. This blog serves to provide you with current and new information about the publications of our federal government.

Please feel free to comment on the postings or to let me know if you have any questions or requests. You can e-mail me at: jdphillips@library.msstate.edu

This is not an official publication of the Mitchell Memorial Library and is not affiliated with Mississippi State University.

**Description taken from the Thurgood Marshall Law Library website**

The Congressional Research Service, an arm of the Library of Congress, serves the legislative process by providing Congress with non-partisan and in-depth legislative research and analysis on a variety of topics. CRS produces or updates more than 3,000 studies and other publications each year, none of which are distributed to the public. Because CRS reports are created using public money and are not readily accessible to the research community, the Thurgood Marshall Law Library has created an online collection in the subject areas of Homeland Security/Terrorism and Health Law and Policy.



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